
Monday, December 2, 2019

2020 Incoming!

            It has literally been years since I created this place. And I return to it for several reasons.     
I believe that everyone has something to offer but seldom is it what we think it is at first. I used to think I touched people with my words on a screen, some times courting the deeply profound with the silly joy that life can overflow with if allowed.   Maybe I do, maybe I don't... it really matters not.

         I have been through quite a bit since my last posting here, and one thing stands out to me most. we are not here to struggle, we are not here to be in pain.  It is a choice.. yeah I know, I rolled my eyes the first time I heard that too. but honestly, as I was sitting in confused tears of over a situation that did not deserve my tears. I finally had to ask my self..  is this it? Is this what my life is? am I  destined to just be used up and spat out, an emotional punching bag for others who hold no regard for me or my soul?  I sat there for a long time. I just let my self be for a while and what I came up with was a resounding fuck no! I am more, much more!  You see while sparing you the gory details, I sought my answers outside of myself. yup.. if I did this or that, dressed a certain way,  hung out with certain people it would let me be who I was and find the answers to questions I didn't know I had. No..  all the answers we need are inside us, always have been. when that soul light went off for me it forever altered how I interpret the world. is it any easier? well no it is still a challenge. but I daily remind my self that others, just like myself self are seeking. love, approval, and healing from their wounds that I know nothing about. my wish for you is that this coming year be filled with profound deep, delicious love and healing. that in the new calendar year you can throw your self one hell of a welcome home party!

        Be wild, Be wise, Be Blessed


Monday, June 18, 2012

Ebb and Flow

 Every once in a while a profound nothing over takes the soul in its wake leaving a lost hollow feel of no foundation under you, of no ethereal skeletal firmness for the soul to hold on to. Then something happens, something equal in profound simplicity that sets the soul ablaze in wonder and gratitude. In that single moment, that breath of completed innocent, unconditional love it is there it happens...a metamorphosis of thought, belief and strength.Changing the very way that fear played in the schoolyard of your spirit. I am grateful for that shelter  from my own inner storm. Where the tide will take me I can not say only that it will take me and I need not fight it though I know it will not always be easy. I am glad  for those that flow with me.
                                                                                             Love and Blessings, Wendy

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


 Surely slips away. it has been a year since I started this blog and only two posts! Shame on me! Time. such a funny thing it never feels as long as it tis and it dances through our fingers like sand. Over the last year I have simplified and organized and come out of a snug lil cocoon of  self induced darkness of unworthiness self doubt and fear. it is so good to feel the breeze in my  unfurled wings at last.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Personal Code of Ethics

      So many subjects call to my heart, it often gets over whelming where
to begin in gaining some sort of foot hold in the chaos.I think one thing that calls to me deeply as a dirt lovein, tree huggin, wild craftin,soul seekin, energy healin, Boo boo, fixin Witch. Is the work involved to get  ones self in order, to better be able to fill the roles we have come tocherish on our paths.

From the perspective of my own experience I feel a great place to begin is a personal code of ethics. As this is not in itself definedby faith or social standing. This is not an easy thing to define.I have discovered though some things that might help define it a bit better along the way.Most have a misconception regarding honor. Ones code of ethics can be thought of as ones personal code of honor

    Personally, much of this was difficult to come to terms with.
Like many I was swimming upstream in the river of DeNile!  Honor is not being this chivalrous knight protecting the weak, nor is it as modern media shows us the Honor killings in some cultures defending tradition and personal insult. Most folks think of being ethical as doing what's right, following blindly the moral values and standards of one's society. Do you? I know I do not. Nor do I follow blindly the currents of my various communities as far as what is considered an ethical life.

   Much of this was inspired by Magic, Mystery, and Medicine by Krisitn Madden.These are some of the exercises. At first glance, they seem simple enough.Soo Not! These exercises outline that ones personal code is ones own, and have proven to be such a valuable tool for me.For which I am grateful to
her for having written them.

It is not an easy road to define ones self and what one believes, but it
does not need be difficult either. We all want to see ourselves as
ethical,honorable folks, holding our own power and walking our talk.
But do you?
Does it needs some serious examination and work to really get to the core
of who we really are vs who we think we should be.Facing ones self is always the hardest of tasks.I learned long ago you need to clean you own house before you can clean anyone else's.
Let's start with this.

 "Guidelines for Ethical Decision Making.

1.Is it legal? Do you have permission?

2.Will it harm anyone in body, mind or spirit?

3.Is it fair to, and in the best interests of, everyone involved?

4.How would you feel if everyone knew about it?

5.How will it make you feel about you self?

6.Do you feel the need to justify it?

7.Have you explored your motivations?

8.What response do you your spirit guides give when this decision is
Brought to them?

9.How would you feel if someone did the same thing to you?"

Common Justifications

1.It came from Spirit/my spirit guides

2.Everyone else does it

3.No one will know

4.This is what I have time for .It's good enough

5.I can handle it. I don't need help. It's my responsibility's not my responsibility"

 Create a Mission Statement
A concise one or two sentence statement of your purpose, what exactly is
it you intend to accomplish in your healing practice? Now I used Healing
practice because I am a healer but use any think in this that applies to
you.This turns into a general setting of intent for your practice.

 Vision Statement
A concise statement of the specific ways you plan to accomplish that
mission.Usually one to two paragraphs that begins with your mission

Code of Ethics
Create an outline of the Ethical standards you live and work through.This
is generally a list of Statements about your aspirations, hopes, and
Ideals as well as a list of rules, principals and promises.

All of these should be revisited often and when necessary adjusted

"In my mind, Honor is about practicing what you preach and living your
ethical code. It includes integrity and also involves doing the right
thing.simply because it is the right thing, not because you will get something out of it. It also brings in the concepts of listening, honesty, learning to communicate well, tolerance and humility. Honor means holding your power,remaining connected to spirit, and acting from that sacred space within"

  It really is a eye opener when we begin to explore this part of our selves
fully and openly the lil things that seemed so huge really are nothing but
a speck of dust on the bigger vision. If you got this far in reading my
ramblings thanks for reading through and I hope you take the time to learn
more of this part of yourself to learn to walk your talk and hold your
power fully in Honor and integrity Change only comes when we are open enough to see the need for it. Then apply the means to make it happen. Another lesson we can all stand to revisit often to keep aware.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Here we go..

       My entire goal in this venture is to get my own thoughts in order, to share those same thoughts and grow in the learning of the views and thoughts of others. This journey through life is an interesting thing indeed and I tend to believe I am not the only one that gets lost in the mass flow of diversity and choices available to us in this modern age we live in, with its steady stream of available info, data and marketing strategy. Let’s face it, it gets difficult to wade through things and find real information in a way that everyone can grasp. Most assuredly nothing is to be found without an under lying agenda. I have no time or respect or frankly tolerance for anything that comes at me as Holiest of Holies attitude in anything. Most of what I put here will probably be of Spiritual and Holistic nature mingled with Gardening and Jewelry design. I belong to several on line blogs and forums.. Some are great.. some, well they speak so far above  every ones heads we are not sure what they are talking about, then have the audacity to give attitude if you dare ask for clarification  and others  just need to close down and go away. But that is neither here nor there. Everyone will find a place they are comfortable in where the flow of communication is open and beneficial. I just have not really found that, at least not yet.  So here I am, Welcome to my lil cranny of the blogging cosmos.