It has literally been years since I created this place. And I return to it for several reasons.
I believe that everyone has something to offer but seldom is it what we think it is at first. I used to think I touched people with my words on a screen, some times courting the deeply profound with the silly joy that life can overflow with if allowed. Maybe I do, maybe I don't... it really matters not.
I have been through quite a bit since my last posting here, and one thing stands out to me most. we are not here to struggle, we are not here to be in pain. It is a choice.. yeah I know, I rolled my eyes the first time I heard that too. but honestly, as I was sitting in confused tears of over a situation that did not deserve my tears. I finally had to ask my self.. is this it? Is this what my life is? am I destined to just be used up and spat out, an emotional punching bag for others who hold no regard for me or my soul? I sat there for a long time. I just let my self be for a while and what I came up with was a resounding fuck no! I am more, much more! You see while sparing you the gory details, I sought my answers outside of myself. yup.. if I did this or that, dressed a certain way, hung out with certain people it would let me be who I was and find the answers to questions I didn't know I had. No.. all the answers we need are inside us, always have been. when that soul light went off for me it forever altered how I interpret the world. is it any easier? well no it is still a challenge. but I daily remind my self that others, just like myself self are seeking. love, approval, and healing from their wounds that I know nothing about. my wish for you is that this coming year be filled with profound deep, delicious love and healing. that in the new calendar year you can throw your self one hell of a welcome home party!
Be wild, Be wise, Be Blessed